About one year ago, I was having a lot of knee pain going up and down steps and getting out of cars. I hated it. After some research, I developed this exercise technique to reduce my knee pain during my workout. If you are wondering if this would work for you, contact your medical provider, or call our office for an appointment.
Throughout the entire exercise, I go slowly so that I can warm up the tissue. I don't mind if my muscles burn from the exercise, but I do not want to have any knee pain.
- Step 1: I start by setting the weight on a leg extension machine on a low weight so that I can warm up my tendons.
- Step 2: I extend both of my legs to about 70%, as shown in the video.
- Step 3: I bring back one leg and lower the weight slowly with the other.
- Step 4: I then pause for at least as long as it took me to do the lift.
I pause after each lift to make sure that I'm getting enough blood flow to the tendon in the knee where a lot of the pain is coming from.
After I'm feeling warmed up, I increase the weight. In the video, I doubled the weight, and I paused for twice as long as it took me to do the lift.
Whenever I'm really starting to work hard lifting heavier weight, I need to wait up to three times as long as it took to do the lift to ensure that I'm getting enough blood flow to the tendon.
After I'm feeling warmed up, I increase the weight. In the video, I doubled the weight, and I paused for twice as long as it took me to do the lift.
Whenever I'm really starting to work hard lifting heavier weight, I need to wait up to three times as long as it took to do the lift to ensure that I'm getting enough blood flow to the tendon.